Are Student Driver's Ed Courses Worth It?

Some teenagers are content to wait to get their driver's license until they are 17 or 18. Some teenagers opt out of student driver's ed courses before taking their driver's test. Even for teenagers who want to get their license at 16, many will hit the road without ever taking student driver's ed courses. Why is that? Are students who skip driving courses missing out on valuable skills and knowledge? In today's blog post, Bick's Driving School answers these important questions.

Student driving

Why Are Teenagers Not Taking Student Driver's Ed Courses?

Over the last several years, statistics show teenagers are less and less likely to take student driver's ed courses. One of the main reasons is because many teenagers are waiting until they are 18 to get their license. Many factors contribute to this. Some simply don't have the time, while others are more focused on school and homework. Others lack the money to buy a car or pay for gas. One of the biggest reasons is that some high schools don't even offer student driver's ed courses.

Are Driver's Ed Courses Still Worth It?

With some high schools lacking student driver's ed courses, students are forced to make a decision. They can choose not to participate in driver's ed, or they can find a solution outside of their school. Finding driver's ed outside your school is naturally more difficult and less convenient than a high school program. Students and their families wonder if taking the course is even worth it.

Ultimately, driver's ed courses provide teenagers with a strong understanding of the rules of the road and a lot of behind-the-wheel experience before taking their test. That experience helps them stay safe on the road and become more aware of those around them.

Why Are Driver's Ed Courses Valuable?

Bick's Driving School sees the value of student driver's ed. The ability for students to get behind the wheel with a trained professional helps them prepare for the road in a way that online courses or no course at all simply cannot. At Bick's, our student drivers get 12 lessons on key topics, such as:

  • Ohio driving laws
  • Distracted driving
  • Basic car control
  • Defensive driving
  • Alcohol awareness
  • Insurance

Our classes also include eight hours behind the wheel in four two-hour lessons. You can schedule these lessons whenever it's convenient for the student.

Contact Bick's Driving School for More Information

If your high school doesn't offer student driver's ed, or you want more comprehensive driver education, get in touch with Bick's Driving School. Call (513) 251-7111 or contact us online today.

Serving Cincinnati and surrounding areas

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